Home / Optional Bandsaw machines Manual
NB1 Box-NB2 Box - Sprayer for blade lubrification

The band saw machine can be equipped of a blade and cutting cooling device. To improve the cutting quality and reduce pollution risk, moreover to avoid the risk of pools of cooling liquid on the floor (possible cause of accidental falls), we suggest to use the NB optional.
Code: NB1 Box-NB2 Box

VAT - Cutting angle display

Allows to read, by means of a digital display, the cutting angle with an accuracy to tenths of a degree. With the graduated plate placed the standard machines, this is not possible. It also allows a good view of reading in low light.
Code: VAT

VHZ - Electronic inverter

By the VHZ optional the blade speed rotation can be changed acting on the proper keys.
Code: VHZ

KIT G - Gravitational descent kit

The G optional allows to cut the material without the user’s manual intervention through a manual operating lever.
Code: KIT G

MT - Blade tension reading cylinder with pressure gauge

Blade tension reading cylinder with pressure gauge
Code: MT H27

LX - Laser lighting for cutting line

The option LX facilitates the operator during the cutting phase: a luminous red line (laser light) is projected on the piece locked in the vice to exactly display where the blade will make the cut.
Code: LX

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