Home / Roller-tables Bandsaw machines Automatic
C2 - Frame

It’s a bar bearing support equipped with a roller. It can be used in addition to the roller table. It should be suitably ballasted or fixed to the floor. Roller 550 mm wide, max load 750 Kg, H min 840 mm / H max 1.015 mm.
Code: C2

CRS - Connection in unloading side

The unloading side connection between machine and roller table.

Code: CRS

RFP2 A - Roller table

2 m long roller table  and max load 1000 Kg/m (h min 725 mm / h max 780 mm).
Code: RFP2 A

RP1G-RP2G - Roller tables

Roller table available in units 1 meter long each with idle rollers 400 mm wide and loading capacity of 300 Kg/m. Maximum height h=1000mm, minimal height h=910mm.
Code: RP1G-RP2G

RRS - Unloading side pull-out roller surface

Unloading side connection between machine and roller table.
Code: RRS


2m long roller table max load 1000Kg/m.(h min 875 mm / h max 930 mm)
Code: RFP2 AT

C3-Roller support

It’s a bar bearing support equipped with a roller. It can be used in addition to the roller table. It should be suitably ballasted or fixed to the floor. Roller 550 mm wide - max load 750 kg. H min 685 mm / H max 870 mm
Code: C3 - Cavalletto


Roller table available in units 1 meter long each with idle rollers 400 mm wide and loading capacity of 300 Kg/m. Maximum height h=915mm, minimal height h=835mm.

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